Do user interviews 100x faster
Uncover hidden truths with AI-accelerated research

Reduce wasted opportunities
sign-up to pipeline
1st meeting to pipeline
pipeline deal size
What our partners are saying
“PerceptivePanda's innovative approach to client engagement has been a game-changer. By harnessing the power of micro-interviews, we've gained insights into our prospects' specific needs and priorities. This has sharpened our product demos and allowed us to connect more effectively and efficiently with our clients.”

Jon Cruz
“PerceptivePanda’s unique micro-interview platform has transformed the way we manage key aspects of inbound pipeline. For the first time we're getting real visibility into actual prospect intent and the ability to personalize sales outreach with highly catered messaging.”

Dan Ahmadi
“PerceptivePanda helped us close one of our largest contracts with a healthcare prospect. We made a great first impression during the demo because we knew in advance exactly what they care most about. PerceptivePanda micro-interviews give us that edge in the sales process.”

Ivan Lee